Your Guide in Turkey

Having combined my law degree and experience in the legal consultancy branch with the management and organization experience of my husband in the Netherlands, we started ABC Consultancy in 2001 in Turkey.

Our aim and goal with ABC Consultancy is to build a team of lawyers, accountants and business consultants under one roof to give the best quality of legal and business services for all foreign entities who are not familiar with and within Turkey.

Although we started with granting sworn translation services, recommendations and all kind of advices to foreigners we developed ourselves and our services to give the quality and quantity of consultancy that we were used to from the Netherlands.
After joining the BAR of lawyers in 2003 we had to expand ABC Consultancy and our team to a wider location.

ABC Consultancy has today a monopoly position in Antalya and his wide region. We are proud to be the first organization in Antalya that has started to provide legal and business consultancy services to all kind of foreigners and foreign entities. Our best competitor was and still is ourselves.
Our services are flexible and wide ranging. We like to guide and assist all our clients, stand them by to meet the challenges of doing business in ever-changing economic climate of Turkey.
ABC Consultancy approach to the client relationship can be summarized in two words: Trusted Advisor. As a trusted advisor, we maintain our vendor neutrality to ensure that our clients are receiving the best solutions without being influenced by our vendor ties.

We hope this handbook will give a first guide to the foreigner who steps in the world of Turkey. We like to thank herewith our (trainee) Rabia Aslihan for her help in realization of this guide.

Av. Selma ÖREN
Partner – Lawyer
ABC Consultancy

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